Bing Ads vs Google Ads – should you be using both?

by | Feb 18, 2020 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

The debate regarding Bing Ads vs Google Ads is one that’s been running for some time now, and it’s a question that small business owners still ask frequently. There is clearly still some confusion towards this issue. Let’s run through this now and give you some vital information to help you make the right decision on whether to just run one type of PPC campaign, or both at the same time. Let’s get started.

They are not competitors

One common myth surrounding the whole Bing Ads vs Google Ads debate is that they are direct competitors and that you have to use one over the other (most people just end up opting for Google Ads only).

This is not actually true. Whilst they obviously have significant similarities and parallels, there are some key differences meaning they probably compliment each other much better than you think. Let’s examine these now.

Because Bing Ads is owned by Microsoft, it utilises three different advertising platforms and networks that are different from Google Ads – namely Bing, Yahoo, and AOL. This means that when you advertise on the Bing platform, your ads will actually be seen and displayed across three platforms. Different platforms from Google Ads of course.

Differences in the way ads are displayed

There are also some key differences in the way that the ads on the two different networks are displayed. Google and Bing both show display URLs underneath the ad headline. Bing highlights their display URLs with bold formatting, but Google Ads does not.

Conclusion to the Bing Ads vs Google Ads debate

We hope you’ve found this post on the Bing Ads vs Google Ads issue useful and informative. As you can see, there are some common misconceptions around this issue, and the truth is that the two different PPC advertising networks can successfully be used in conjunction with each other without having to select one over the other. You don’t have to make a definitive. Use both based on the guidelines above. Let us know if you have further questions though.

bing ads vs google ads

Want to get started with Bing Ads?

To find out more about working with me on your Bing Ads, visit our dedicated Bing Ads page. We can help you with this.

Want to get started with Google Ads?

Find out more about working with me on your Bing Ads, visit our dedicated Google Ads page. We can help you with this.