Marketing Research & Planning
All great marketing starts with a great plan.
Before we do anything, we’ll perform some essential marketing research and planning for you, so that we know your target audience and what they want almost as good as they know themselves. Then we’re in a position to produce amazing content for you that gets you amazing results.
What’s involved?
Company and marketing audit
We’ll audit all of your current marketing practices and procedures, including all your various online channels, identifying room for improvement and where some quick wins can be gained in the first instance. From there, we start building a comprehensive and detailed plan about what you need to do and when, so you have a definative roadmap regarding how we are going to take your companys marketing to the next level.
Research and information gathering
Once we’ve collated together the internal information about your company and your current marketing activity, we then fill in the gaps and gather together the required external data and information to form a complete picture of the industry and environment in which your business operates. We then combine the two sources of information together to enable us to create a plan that is fully informed and based on solid data.
Formulate objectives and metrics
Once we have all the research data and information that we required, we then put together a range of objectives and metrics for your marketing that define the path to success and highlight critical success factors that need to be focused on. Our marketing is very much data-driven, so we constantly reference these metrics on an on-going basis, to ensure your marketing is on-track and continues to focus sharply on the right things at all times.
Let’s find out exactly what your potential customers are searching for.
We perform keyword research to inform us of the exact keyword phrases that your target audience are using to try and find companys like yours, and to try and solve their problems and pain-points. We then use this valuable knowledge and insight to deliver the right content to them, exactly when they need and want it the most.
Get to know your customers better than they do.
One crucial part of our research is developing detailed Buyer Personas, so we know exactly what your potential customers are like, and what content and messaging is going to really grab their attention and peak their interest. These days, there is a wealth of highly valuble information available online all about your target audience and potential customers – we tap into this data and use it to create better marketing solutions for you right from the off.
Take a long, hard look at yourself and the industry you operate within.
We understand that many companies make far too many presumptions and don’t understand or appreciate how the outside world see’s them. That’s why we get stuck in and find out direct from members of your target audience exactly what they think of you – good or bad. We also take a detailed look at your competitors and the external environment, and see what’s going on there. All this puts us in a better and more informed position to make the right marketing decisions and choices to drive your business forward.
Ready to find out what you need to know?