I’m on an ongoing mission to collate and showcase truly inspiring and innovative marketing collateral and concepts

Welcome to the area of our website that contains various things that we come across that inspire us, make us think, or simply just make us smile and laugh. I hope they have the same positive effect on you too!

Bandersnatch Advert

Saw this very interesting and creative advert at Shoreditch Overground Station for the new Charlie Brooker film, Bandersnatch. Great use of very old-skool graphics and some clever and thought-provoking copy in the advert which I really love – the style of the ad perfectly matches the product it’s promoting.

Don’t Be A Tosser Advert

Great example of advert copy that is perfectly pitched and thought-out for it’s target audience. The use of the derogatory slang term ‘Tosser’ should resonate perfectly with the obvious teenage audience that this ad is aimed at – great work here from whoever has conceived and executed this concept and idea.

Knife-Crime Advert

Saw this advert on a local bus in the Weymouth area of the UK – not sure it really hits the mark though – as I don’t personally think that the messaging of the ad is right? Do teenagers in gangs really care that much about getting arrested and being less likely to get a conventional job etc?

Weymouth Library Quotation

Great use of a literacy quotation I saw at Weymouth Library – this quote places right by the entrance/exit to the library is inspiring, thought-provoking and engaging, and fits perfectly with the vital role of a library to encourage local people to read and understand the importance of books and literature.

Helsinki Airport ‘Cool’ Advert

Quite simply a totally cool and quirky advert at Helsinki Airport that perfectly positions the city as modern, dynamic and super-trendy, by using language aimed at the younger generation of savvy tourists and visitors that descend upon the capital of Finland.