Let’s explore opportunities to make your business grow at an incredible rate

Clients we’ve worked with:

“David and his team always communicate brilliantly and are always full of lots of great ideas and concepts that really help us to promote our brand and get the word out there.”


Completely overhauling their marketing activity with a range of content to promote their services

Right Path Fitness is a personal training company based in London offering a range of fitness services and products from their studio premises.

About the project

Right Path Fitness is a personal training company and private fitness studio based in the heart of London within the buzzing Liverpool Street area. I was brought on-board to completely overhaul the company’s marketing and promotional activity, and create a range of content to drive interest in the company’s products and services, and convince prospective customers to book free consultancy sessions which the gym staff could then convert into paying customers.


What we did

I created a range of content such as eBooks, Case-studies and blog posts, in order to attract attention to the companys product and service offerings, acquire a large amount of targeted leads into the email and marketing automation that we set up, and also to improve the SEO of the company.

I used Mailchimp to set up sophisticated email marketing and lead nurturing campaigns using their paid automation functionality, and looked to work new leads and prospects through the companys buying cycle by regularly sending them high-quality content by email that further engaged them.

eBooks created for them →

682% Increase in Website Traffic

429% Increase in Qualified Leads

508% Increase in Consultancy Session Bookings

5x ROI for the campaign overall

Results & Metrics

I surpassed the key metrics and targets that we set at the start of the campaign, achieving a huge increase in website traffic, leads coming into the companys new CRM and automation database and campaigns that were set up, and ultimately drove a large number of well qualified and targeted consultations for the company that consistently had a good conversion rate – leading to a great ROI for the campaign that everyone was extremely pleased with!

“David is extremely knowledgeable regarding many different areas of marketing, and has done a lot to help my business. It’s so much easier having one single person to turn to, and much quicker than constantly having to find freelancers.”

Keith McNiven

Owner & Head Trainer, RightPath Fitness


Get in touch to see how content marketing can add value to your business

Simply fill out the form and we’ll come back to you as soon as we can to start transforming your brand and marketing.