Bing Ads
Bing Ads are often overlooked by companies who want to do PPC advertising in favour of Google Ads, but they can provide a very powerful alternative to Google Ads that can get some outstanding results for your business when used really well.

The traffic that you stand to gain from running Bing Ads will inevitably have a much lower search volume compared to Google, but it does come at a cheaper cost and, if you know the keywords that already work for you, can offer a great opportunity for increased exposure online.

What kind of results can I get from Bing Ads?
More than 133 million people search using the Bing Network, and nearly 34% of U.S. desktop searches are on Bing.

This means that if your company has only ever ran PPC ads on Google, then you may be omitting one-third of your audience by not using this platform in your marketing efforts.

These statistics alone should make you instantly realise that it’s worth also running PPC Ads on Bing as well as Google, as then you have the best of both worlds and ensure you’re not missing out on prime opportunities for new customers and revenue by not covering all your bases.

Facts and Stats about Bing Ads:

  • With a single Bing ad buy, you can reach 162 million unique searchers using Microsoft and Yahoo sites (including Yahoo Search, Bing, and partners), which account for 30% of total search engine share and over 6 billion searches a month.
  • From June 2011 to June 2012, Bing stole 5% of Google’s search share.
  • Bids on Bing tend to be lower, and the competition for keywords is lower.
  • Local, travel, shopping and health related searches account for 30-40% of total search queries. Sessions in these four areas on Bing are often longer and more complex, so Bing might be worth exploring if you run a business in one of these verticals.
  • Searchers on Microsoft and Yahoo sites are likely to spend 21.5% more than the average web searcher, and 0.76% more than Google searchers in the U.S. 
  • Worldwide, paid search click-through rates on Google and Bing have been neck in neck. Average worldwide CTR on Bing in Q1 of 2011 was 2.5%, compared to Google’s 2.9%. However, in 2010, Bing’s average CTR was higher than Google’s, at 2.8% to Google’s 2.5%. 

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