Video marketing that demands attention

“In this day-and-age, if you’re not regularly producing and distributing your own video content, then you’re quite simply not promoting your business as well as you could be. Let’s change that now.”

How it works

Brainstorming and planning

The first stage is to do the initial brainstorming and planning for your word-of mouth video campaign, to create a shortlist of ideas and concepts that can then be assessed further and the concept can be selected between us that we feel is most likely to get the desired results in terms of the content being heavily shared online and talked about offline.

Content creation

The next stage involves talking the ideas and concepts we have discussed and agreed on, and turning them into compelling and strategically viral content that people within our target audience will be compelled to share and talk about with their friends, family and work colleagues. This is not just regular content though – virality and word-of-mouth is baked into the content from the start.

Content distribution and promotion

Once your new content is ready to be shown off to the world, we take care of the distribution and promotion of the new content to get as many eyeballs on it as possible. The emphasis is upon on spending the minimum required to get the intitial leverage  – we then let the virality that has been strategically baked into the content take over and enable the content to be shared far and wide.

How you benefit

By producing video content for your business, you’ll start to take advantage of what is now the most engaging and effective means of communicating with your target audience.

On channels such as Facebook and Youtube, which between them are now the most widely used social channels on the planet – you can reach a massive audience of potential customers who are all more keen than ever to consume your key messaging and marketing content through the medium of video – in fact, we have now entered an era where your potential customers practically demand it!

By producing and distributing your own video content for your business, you are giving your target audience exactly what they want, and you can use video to grab the attention of leads and prospects and draw them more effectively into your automation and lead nurturing campaigns.

How it’s done

I’ve been producing and editing video in it’s various forms now for many years, so know the little things required to produce professional-looking video that has the desired affect when it comes to attracting the attention of your target audience(s) and engaging them.

I use Adobe Premiere Pro to edit the video and add the required touches, and then produce various versions of the video as required, depending on the specific platforms that the video needs to be distributed and promoted across.

I have experience of more advanced areas of working with video, such as adding annotations so that the video can be effectively viewed and consumed without sound (a key requirement in todays era where many people will view the video without audio), and I always look to repurpose the video content and make it as SEO-friendly and optimised as possible by transcribing the video dialogue and adding it to your webiste and any other key marketing channels where the video appears.

I also have experience with strategically performing keyword research and then using principles of social sharing and virality to ensure that the video is shared and talked about with as many people as possible once it’s put out into the public domain.

All this will help you to take full advantage of the huge potential of video to gain the desired attention for your business and acquire the kind of targeted leads that will lead to increased sales and revenue for your company.

What results can you expect?

With video marketing, in this modern era you can expect to get some fantastic results if you cover the basics and start using video in the right way to promote your business.

It’s now common knowledge that video is prioritised and pushed to the front of user’s news feeds ahead of other formats on platforms such as Facebook, so your results will include more reach and potential customers getting to see and consume your content, which inevitably over time will lead to more traffic on both your social channels and to your website, which will convert to more leads and sales for your business if combined with the right data capture and automation / lead nurturing tools and processes.

It’s not untypical to gather thousands of views of your video content produced on nothing more than your smartphone with a few basic accessories – providing you focus on the most strategically advantageous topics and concepts for your video content, and then promote them in the right way.

If you produce good quality video content over other formats of promotional material, you should see significantly more sharing taking place, and should also benefit from much greater levels of social sharing and offline word-of-mouth – often meaning thousands more targeted people consume your content than would otherwise be the case – all without any additional spend in marketing or promotional budget.


Increase in social sharing and Word-of-Mouth


Increase in overall video views and engagement across all channels