Content marketing that makes your small business grow really quickly

We help you get really creative with your content marketing so that you can get more reach and awareness, with a fraction of the budget.


  • Supercharge your ROI
  • Save hours of time
  • Build brand loyalty
  • Wow your customers

High-Performing Content

Ask us about what it is, and how it can utterly transform your business,
on your intro call with us.

Trusted by:

How do we get such great results?

Website Optimisation

We’ll transform your website into a highly effective lead-generation machine that converts a very high % of your website visitors. Or we’ll build you a high-converting website if you don’t already have one.

Enhanced Lead Magnets

We use very high-converting lead magnets on your website such as quizzes, calculators and other similar tools to capture more leads and bring them into your CRM, where more of them can then be nurtured into paying customers.

Ultra High-Performing Content

We have a system for producing very high-performing content for you that’s based on six principles that are scientifically proven to be the reason that content gets more engagement and reach and goes viral.

Sophisticated CRM Automation

We implement proven and highly effective email marketing and automation campaigns within your CRM so that more of your leads are converted into paying customers, and your existing customers purchase more from you. 

Frustrated by under-performing content?

Are you frustrated by your content not being seen by many people and not getting you the exposure that your brand deserves? The fact is, it’s getting harder and harder to get any meaningful reach and engagement on your content.

What you need is a better way to produce content. A system that gives you the best possible chance of producing and distributing content that goes viral within your target audience and leads to massive growth and revenue for your company.

We have a system of conceptualising and producing better-performing content for your business that incorporates six principles that have been scientifically proven to be the reasons why content goes viral. By working with us, it’s virtually inevitable that you’ll produce high performing content that helps to grow your business faster.

Ready to get started?

Here’s 6 principles to change your marketing. Forever.

SOCIAL CURRENCY. Provide content that makes people look good when they share it.

TRIGGERS. You have to constantly remind people to talk about your products, your ideas and your brand.

Emotion. When we care, we share. The right emotions are the bedrock of content that goes viral.

Public. People need to be able to see when others are using your product or engaging in the desired behaviour.

Practical Value. People like to help others and pass along practical, useful information that other people can use.

Stories. People are much more likely to share your content with others when it’s wrapped up in a strong narrative.

Want to learn more about these principles?

Why this matters


no longer trust ads and are highly cynical and untrusting of any paid media that they see


say content and word of mouth is their preferred method of discovering new products and services


of every conversation includes information about a company, product or service that’s come from content

If your company is not part of these conversations, then you’re seriously missing out.

Want to become a part of this now?

A personal note from David

My personal commitment is to help empower you to grow your business faster and more effectively than you ever thought possible, without spending a fortune on marketing.

Getting the attention of people within your target audience is now more difficult than ever. That’s why you need someone to assist you who knows how to do something a little different that will really help your company and brand stand out and get you in front of lots of the right people, quickly.

That’s exactly why Plasmic Marketing exists. I sincerely want to help you to grow your business in a way that creates lots of extremely happy customers for you who are more than happy to become loyal advocates of your brand. But I think the best thing about the way I do it is that it’s fun, creative and interesting, which means that it’s also a lovely way for you to do marketing.

Our values:

Being really innovative and creative with content

Lots of people are doing content these days, which means it’s harder than ever to stand out. We strive to incorporate things into your content that make it unique, different and eye-catching.

Strong focus on ROI and maximising your returns

Even when we produce incredible content, we understand that this is only half the job done. We use sophisticated analytics and data to constantly optimise the delivery of the content, for optimum performance.

Customer service that trumps the competition

We love great customer service just as much as we love great content (and that’s an awful lot). This is why it’s incredibly important to us to ensure that you get simply amazing service  at all times.

How we work with you:

Production of highly strategic content

Not all content is created equal. Some content just performs better and makes significantly more impact. We have a strategic formula for identifying this type of content for your business, and we’ll use it to identify the ideas and concepts that are capable of getting you truly mind-blowing results.

Leverage word of mouth and social sharing

We have developed systems that adhere to strict scientific princples as to what makes content perform better and achieve more word of mouth and social sharing success. We build these principles into the content that we create for you, so that you can achieve massive reach that you don’t have to pay for.

Understand the tech that drives great content

Content distribution is just as important as the actual content itself, which is why we spend just as much time ensuring we fully understand the latest tech that’s driving the most views, likes and shares across the entire digital ecosystem. We’re always on the lookout for the latest hot channel or platform.

People love to talk. It’s what makes the world go round.

Get in on the act by working with us to create more sophisticated and strategic content that can help take your marketing to outer space.

“Plasmic are extremely knowledgeable regarding many different areas of marketing, and have done a lot to help my business. I would highly recommend them to anyone.”

Keith McNiven
Owner & Head Trainer, RightPath Fitness

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